Learn more about a few of the university’s completed projects.

Henry A. and Elvira H. Jubel Hall
Set to house the School of Engineering & Applied Science’s Department of Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science (MEMS), Jubel Hall will offer the infrastructure and research facilities that are key to fostering the interdisciplinary nature of engineering.

Hillman Hall
The Thomas and Jennifer Hillman Hall nearly doubles the Brown School’s footprint, bringing together faculty, staff and research centers — as well as the university’s Institute for Public Health — that were once spread across four locations to the Danforth Campus.

James M. McKelvey, Sr. Hall
James M. McKelvey, Sr. Hall, to be located south of Preston M. Green Hall, will house the Department of Computer Science & Engineering and support Washington University’s data science efforts.
East End Transformation
Learn more about the East End Transformation of the Danforth Campus which began in 2017.

East End Transformation of the Danforth Campus
In 2017, the university will begin the most significant capital project in recent history: transformation of the east end of the Danforth Campus.