East End News

Walker Lot: What’s happening here?

Construction worker in a cherry picker places a top element on a metal structure with a red crane in the background

At more than 20 feet tall, the East End Transformation Project integrated mock-ups are hard to miss. The structures replicate the building facades of the Kemper Art Museum addition, Weil Hall and the Pavilions and play an important role in construction by allowing the project team — architects, engineers, contractor and owner — to test building performance and preview materials and connections.

The integrated mock-ups will remain onsite until the east end’s completion.

This spring, while they are being constructed, some components will be set using a crane. When the crane is in operation over the Walker Lot drive, vehicular traffic will be momentarily held (less than 3 minutes).

Diagram showing pedestrian access on the East End construction site at WashU

Pedestrians from Skinker should continue to use the detour located south of the McCarthy trailer complex. Here’s a closer view of construction mock-ups. (All photos by Joe Angeles/Washington University.)